30.05.2022 - Sustainability
For some years now, a section of the Diemel, which is the river near to our Giershagen plant, has been undergoing a process of renaturalisation with the support of WEPA. The success can now be seen – and we've been glad to extend our cooperation with the "Diemel unleashed" project.
The River Diemel demonstrates just how quickly a river changes positively when nature is allowed to take its course. Over a short time, the river section that has been freed from its man-made corset has significantly recovered. Brown trout, brook lamprey, bullhead – these fish species have now returned to the Sauerland river.
This success can also be measured thanks to control fishing: in May 2021, two species were counted and less than 10 fish. In September this had already improved to three species and 102 fish.
All involved in the project are particularly pleased about the brook lampreys and small bullheads – both species need special protection and are very relevant from a nature conservation viewpoint. The fact that they have now found a habitat in the Diemel again attests to the high quality of the riverbed in the renaturation section of the river, and for the success of the joint project.
The project will now be continuing and is backed by the Marsberg Water Association, the planning network for sustainable regional development Planar e.V. and the University of Kassel.
The effects of the measures on the water body and river bed structure were evaluated by a study carried out the University of Kassel. It could be determined that the measures achieved an improvement in the quality of water structure by two or three classes, depending on the river section and according to the official, seven-step evaluation system.
In the first step WEPA made an adjacent plot of land available for renaturation purposes, and now further measures are planned to increase habitat diversity even more. We are happy to provide support in this area – and are fully committed to our responsibility towards the environment and society.
As with the Marsh Renaturation Project with our partner UPM, this project also makes an important contribution to climate protection and the preservation of biodiversity.
Source: "Planning Network for Sustainable Regional Development e.V."