Bridgend Paper Mill Consultation on expansion of operations

WEPA UK Ltd is preparing proposals to upgrade its existing operation at the Bridgend Paper Mill in Llangynwyd and will shortly be submitting a planning application to Bridgend County Borough Council to reflect such proposals.

WEPA UK Ltd will be holding an information event where members of the local community will be able to view the proposals of the site. Members of the project team will be on hand to answer any questions that residents have regarding the proposals. Please come along to our information event to find out more about the proposals.

Wednesday 18th December
Coytrahen Community Centre, Coytrahen, Bridgend, CF32 0EB

The proposals for the site would include:

  • The construction and operation of a new tissue paper machine, using the Best Available Technology (BAT) and with an energy consumption that is roughly 50% less than the current one.
  • A development that will secure the future success of the site and safeguard around 345 jobs.
  • Generating significant inward investment into the Bridgend Paper Mill.
  • No increase in agreed lorry movements.

In line with the requirements of the Planning (Wales) Act 2015, WEPA triggered the statutory 28-day pre-application consultation period on Wednesday 4th December and the draft application documents for the proposals are available to view below:

If you have any questions about the proposals for the Bridgend Paper Mill or wish to make a comment on our plans please contact the project team via one of the following methods:

-    Write to us at Freepost MEETING PLACE CONSULTATION (no stamp required)
-    Call us on 0800 148 8911
-    Email us on

We also want to hear your feedback about our plans. If you wish to leave us with your thoughts, please complete our survey.

Preliminary design and access statement
Coal Mining Risk Assessment - November 2024
Travel Plan
Statutory Designated Sites within 2 km
Site Development Plan
PM "Vesta" - Machine Floor
PM "Vesta" - Mezzanine Floor
PM "Vesta" - Roof Plan
PM "Vesta" - Sections
MV Substation - Pans and Sections
Elevation existing
Pipe Bridge - Plan and Sections
Existing Site Plan
Delivery Management Plan
Planning Statement
Screening request
Coal Authority Drawing
Coal Authority Report
Planning Application Form
Site Location Plan
Topographical Survey - Sheet 1-4
Topographical Survey - Sheet 2-4
Topographical Survey - Sheet 3-4
Topographical Survey - Sheet 4-4
Proposed drainage plan
Flood Risk Assesment
Ecological Appraisal
3D Visualisations - 4_South view_Existing building
3D Visualisations - 4_South view
3D Visualisations - 2_South-East view
Land use
Proposed SUDS Feature
Coal Mining Risk Assessment - October 2019
Geotech. Site Investigation Report
Statutory Designated Sites within 10 km
PM "Vesta" - Basement Floor
PM "Vesta" - Elevations (North and East)
PM "Vesta" - Elevations (South and West)
MV Substation - Elevations
3D Visualisations - 1_North-East view
3D Visualisations - 3_East view
Tree Survey
Scoping Report
Contact Share