23.09.2022 - Career
My biggest hobby is working on the board of the “Aa en Maas” organisation. The Aa and the Maas are two rivers that flow through here in Brabant, and our job is to make sure that the dykes are in order and that nothing gets flooded in the region. We also take care of the wastewater treatment plants, which filter out things like microplastics from washing machines.
With my wife I’ve now lived in Boxmeer for a very long time, and our two daughters grew up here. That’s the reason why this task is very important to me – I can give something back to the town and make a difference in the long term. On the other hand though I also put a lot of time and energy into the work, and without a level of understanding from home it wouldn’t be possible. So I really appreciate that I can always count on my wife's support.
WEPA also supports me and my hobby: the flexibility in terms of time that WEPA as my employer offers me allows me to do my “Aa en Maas” work every Friday as well as my work as a purchasing agent for recovered paper. And because sustainability is so important to me, I also enjoy having the opportunity to regularly discuss new techniques and ways of doing things with the process engineers in the factories – this allows us to combine and develop the ideas from both areas. And in the end, everyone benefits.