Electronics engineer (m/f/d)

WEPA offers training as an electronic technician with two main focuses: Automation technology and industrial engineering.

As an electronics technician for automation engineering (m/f/d) you are responsible for our highly complex and computer-controlled industrial plants. The assembly, repair and maintenance of the individual machines also includes the programming of the systems and troubleshooting with the programming device. Additional work such as creating appropriate backups or ensuring continuous improvement of the production processes will expand your field of responsibility.

As an electronic technician for operating technology (m/f/d) you are responsible for the assembly, repair, maintenance and operation of all our equipment (the paper machines, the converting machines and the high-bay warehouse). Your varied tasks also include work in the area of building services engineering as well as communication and lighting technology.

Duration 3,5 years
Location Müschede, Giershagen, Mainz, Kriebstein, Leuna
Your degree of education Secondary school (Realschule) leaving certificate at minimum
What it takes Technical understanding, good knowledge of mathematics and PC skills
How will your training at WEPA work? You will spend the first year of training in the collective training workshop and in vocational school, where you will be taught the theoretical basics for your work in the company. From the 2nd year of training, you will be both working in our company and attending vocational school.

Unfortunately, we cannot train every apprenticeship and dual course of studies at WEPA every year.

Send us your application for one of our vacancies!

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Your contact people

Location Müschede

Frederike Krystosek
Frederike Krystosek
Ausbildungsleitung HR Development
T +49 (0) 2932 307 8517

Location Giershagen

Friedrich-Wilhelm Vogel
Friedrich-Wilhelm Vogel
HR Business Partner
T +49 (0) 2991 7213 331

Location Mainz

Sandra Ungerer
Sandra Ungerer
Head of HR Werk Mainz
T +40 (0) 6131 4994 5292

Location Leuna

Stefanie Marx
Stefanie Marx
Head of People & Culture Leuna
T +49 (0) 3461 431 491

Location Kriebstein

Angela Fischer
Angela Fischer
Head of People & Culture Kriebstein
T +49 (0) 34327 75456 660
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