Our mission: A Place of Firsts

With our internal innovation unit – the FutureLab by WEPA – we enable the WEPA Group to develop and launch new and
sustainable hygiene solutions for new markets and new groups of customers.
Our objective is to diversify the WEPA portfolio both inside and outside the tissue sector.

To achieve our targets we always work in a customer-centric, data-driven and solution-oriented way. Our
interdisciplinary team has the necessary specialist expertise and methods to generate
and validate innovations and orchestrate innovation activities within WEPA. Together with our
business units, we want to bring solutions to the market that enable consumers
to lead hygienic and healthy lives, and to spread a culture of innovation throughout the WEPA Group.

In line with our open philosophy of innovation, the FutureLab is a “Place of Firsts” for all kinds of ideas for product models, service models and business models. These ideas can originate from consumer research, customer proposals, start-up collaborations, connections to universities and supplier collaborations. However, all ideas must contribute to our higher-level goal:

offering products and concepts that provide a safe hygiene experience and that contribute to the well-being of millions of consumers across Europe – every day and everywhere.

Our innovation services for WEPA


We explore the problems and desires of customers and consumers through interviews, observations and in-depth online research.


In interactive ideation workshops, we develop solutions for relevant issues from the point of view of the users.


We validate ideas in terms of their consumer added value, feasibility and business potential using customer-centric innovation methods.

Our mindset – WEPA’s innovation principles


We put users at the centre of interest. Our goal is to solve their hygiene problems.


We make decisions based on data, not based on opinions. Accordingly, we focus our innovation methods on the collection of data.


We do not stick to false assumptions. We learn from our experiments and adapt ideas with regard to the results.


We appreciate crazy ideas that, initially, may seem impossible.

Focused on learning

We put learnability above perfection – in our work and in our team.


We generate products, services and business models. Our innovation methods help us get to quickly get to the targets.

Focused on learning

Our integrated innovation process

Our home base

WEPA.digital HUB
The FutureLab, along with WEPA’s internal department for digital transformation, is located in the middle of Düsseldorf in the Alte Senffabrik.

WEPA.digital HUB

The FutureLab, along with WEPA’s internal department for digital transformation, is located in the middle of Düsseldorf in the Alte Senffabrik.

Our home base offers a creative working environment with plenty of room for interaction, brainstorming and innovation.


Our home base offers a creative working environment with plenty of room for interaction, brainstorming and innovation.

Multifunctional workstations and open spaces on two storeys offer space for concentrated co-working and large events.


Multifunctional workstations and open spaces on two storeys offer space for concentrated co-working and large events.

WEPA’s FutureLab!

Dr. Sebastian Schäfer
Dr. Sebastian Schäfer
Head of Product & Service Innovation

FutureLab by WEPA
Jahnstr. 16a
40215 Düsseldorf

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