It is of great importance to our company that laws, internal guidelines and principles of conduct are adhered to, because we know that the key to corporate success is based on integrity, ethics and personal responsibility.
For this reason we wish to avoid any risks that could cast doubt on our integrity and harm our company, our employees or our business partners and customers. To meet this responsibility, it is important that we gain an awareness of compliance-relevant misconduct.
Our whistleblower portal enables all employees as well as external parties to report any violations of legal provisions and internal company regulations, also anonymously. The whistleblower information is, if this is desired, subject to confidentiality within the framework of legal provisions. Each report is thoroughly followed up, suspected cases are investigated and possible violations are assessed. Please help us to continue being a reliable business partner in the future by informing us of legal violations or breaches of rules concerning our company.
You can read the procedural guidelines for complaints procedures here.
We provide this link to whistleblowers:
We provide the following telephone number to whistleblowers. Whistleblowers can also choose to have their voice alienated if desired.